Upper School Fencing Schedule

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SunOct 6
SunNov 37:15 AM

Epee/Saber #1

Brentwood School

SunNov 10
SunDec 88:30 AM
SunJan 26

Epee/Saber #2

Brentwood School

SunFeb 28:30 AM
SatMar 15
SunMar 16

Team Epee/Saber

Chaminade High School

SunApr 27

Cal State Championship

Vistamar School

Game times, dates, and locations are subject to change. When multiple games are played consecutively at the same site, the later game(s) may begin earlier than the scheduled time.

Last updated on 02/19/2025 at 8:43 AM
In Athletics