Harvard-Westlake offers a wide range of speech and debate opportunities.


Harvard-Westlake Debate Team
Harvard-Westlake School's internationally competitive debate team competes in Lincoln-Douglas, Middle School Public Debate Program, and other debate competitions.

Harvard-Westlake Speech Team
The Speech Team allows students to compete in multiple events that vary in format, including students writing and performing original speeches, preparing speeches in a limited time, and acting out/interpreting an existing piece. The team prepares students to compete at the highest level at state and national tournaments.


Mock Trial
Mock Trial teaches students about legal procedures and gets club participants prepared for LA County Mock Trial tournament.

Model UN
In Model UN, students prepare to attend simulation conferences representing delegates of different countries debating global issues.

History Bowl Club
History Bowl Club participates in the national History Bee and Bowl, a competitive activity in which students compete and answers questions about significant historical events and people.

Junior State of America
In Junior State of America, students prepare for conferences in which they will participate in debates and thought talks and meet people from across Southern California.

Ethics Bowl
Ethics Bowl is a club that breaks down and discusses moral dilemmas and prepares for an annual state competition against other schools.